Oracle APEX 23 Course For Beginners

Oracle APEX 23 Course For Beginners
Oracle APEX 23 Course For Beginners

Friday 29 July 2022

13 - What are the types of list in HTML?

Lists In HTML 

HTML lists are great for calling your reader's attention to specific information. It has been a popular tool even when writing business and technical documents. Lists draw attention to important information. Readers like them because they are visually appealing and make it easy to quickly find pertinent information. In HTML you can use three types of lists:

Ordered List: This list has items marked with numbers. It is defined using the tag <ol> and each item starts with the tag <li>.

Unordered List: Items in this list are marked with bullets. It is defined with the tag <ul>. Each list item is enclosed in the <li> tag.

Definition List: This list contains description of each item and is defined with the <dl> tag in conjunction with <dt> and <dd> to define list items and corresponding descriptions respectively.

You can use different Ordered and Unordered list on your web page by applying the following TYPE attributes:

You can also create nested listing as demonstrated below by putting a second list inside the existing one.


Learn the HTML5 language in this tutorial series. These tutorials are designed for new programmers to provide them thorough knowledge of full stack web development.

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