Oracle APEX 23 Course For Beginners

Oracle APEX 23 Course For Beginners
Oracle APEX 23 Course For Beginners

Monday 27 April 2020

Creating Dynamic Web Apps in Oracle APEX Without Writing any Code

This book is for anyone who wants to become a web developer but is scared of writing tons of code and is looking for the easiest track to start with. I got the idea for this book from my neighbor’s son who was studying computer science. Few months ago he approached me to discuss his IT project. He was very dejected and from his discussion I realized that the cause of his depression was the platform he was using to create the project, which involved lots of coding. Choosing such heavy coding platforms for absolute beginners is not a good idea - they need something very simple to get on the track. Keeping in view the scenario, I compiled this book for everyone (especially teens) to make programming fun for them rather than a nightmare.

Oracle APEX is a low-code application development framework. Low-code is a software development approach that enables the delivery of applications faster and with minimal hand-coding. Low-code framework helps you create complete applications visually with the help of drag-and-drop interface and wizards. Rather than writing thousands of lines of complex code and syntax, low-code platforms allow you to build complete applications with modern user interfaces, integrations, data and logic quickly and visually. Oracle APEX is one such area.

You can use Oracle APEX free of charge – either as part of an existing Oracle Database license or running in the free Oracle Database 18c XE product. Oracle APEX empowers you to build incredible apps and solve real problems. And you won't need to become an expert in a vast array of web technologies. Oracle APEX is capable to do the heavy lifting for you. You just need to focus on the problem to be solved.

This book is written for people of any age who have a desire to become web developer. The main objective of this book is to give you a jump-start in the exciting world of web application development and to make you a web application developer in a short time span. If you start learning to develop web apps today, you can actively perform your role in this fast-changing world. It is the skill of the 21st century. Organizations today need more problem-solving ability than ever before, and almost every career opportunity involves technology as a mandatory prerequisite. It is the only occupation that doesn't need master or doctoral degrees.

Mark Zuckerberg developed Facebook in 2004 when he was a college student. In 2014, 1.4 billion people were using Facebook every month. Facebook demonstrates the power of technology to engage billions and to reach more people. Mark just spent his time doing things that interested him and he did them obsessively because it was fun.

Don't try to be someone else. Be yourself. You can't create the Big Thing right now, but you can create the few small things, and bring them up so they grow bigger. If you haven't started creating something yet, get started now! 

Display Data Dynamically In A Gauge Chart

In this tutorial, we will learn how to display customer's ordered data in a gauge chart dynamically. As you choose a customer name from ...